Thursday, November 17, 2011

Flexibility Gains through "Gravity Yoga" - Part 2

Well it's been a good month since I started working with the Lucas Rockwood "Flexibility" DVD. His claim is that with 15 minutes a day (over a period of time he does not state...), he can double your flexbility. As I work with the DVD, I am convinced that the exercises help my yoga practice, but that the gains are much more subtle. For example, I've noticed a little bit more openess in my hips and in doing doing downward dog in my shoulders. I am not certain whether I can atttribute this all to Lucas' magic product, however. His 15 minutes is of course only a small amount of the time that I dedicate to yoga each day, and my gains may also be attributed to consistently practicing yoga and consistently doing a variety of workouts. One thing I will say for the DVD is that it is a great way to warm-up the body for a steady breathing rhythm. The DVD emphasises deep steady breathing through the stretches. I generally go to a more typical type of class DVD after, but find I start this practice with a much greater awareness of breath. I would say then that the DVD is no "magic bullet" as Lucas Rockwood claims, but rather that his DVD is a helpful supplement to a comprehensive yoga workout.

I've noticed in frequent E-mails I get from him (he sends these on mass to anyone who orders from him)with his "stretching secrets" that he is connected to or is a follower of Anthony Robbins. For the uninitiated, Anthony Robbins is an inspiring motivational speaker and author who almost had me convinced about how to chance my life a few years back. What does he convince people to do? He argues from a health perspective for us all to pursue vegetarianism. This is very good, and there is good science to support this. What I am less convinced about is why he tries to convince everyone that they need to drink his green drink. I would be more happily convinced if Anthony Robbins wasn't trying to push his own green drink (for a high price) on his followers. I noticed that Lucas Rockwood does too. Drink Mr. Rockwood's "stretch formula" and you will become more stretchy! Well... er... um.... maybe... But for such a pricey product...? Sounds sketchy to me!

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