Monday, September 19, 2011

My Journey - The Prologue

My journey is a personal story about an aspect of my life. To write a life story or biography about everything in my life would be far to voluminous - as it would be for anyone. It is always necessary to edit out many things from a biography. Some parts of our lives are ones we're happier to forget or would be hurtful to others if written about. Other parts are not important to us. And, still other parts would take us off on a tangent, and would be best left for another story at another time. My journey is more of a short story of a particular theme that is important to me and who I am as a person. In this story, I've chosen to focus on the artistic expression of the human body through movement, and my relation to this theme. It is a journey through physical training, performance, and greater enlightenment. With any kind of training whether physical, mental, or spiritual, my journey is an incomplete one. As long as I live, and perhaps after, I will always be in a state of movement on a path towards greater self-improvement or enlightenment without end. Such is the case with this writing. There are always more details I could provide, more people I could mention, more anecdotes, or more pictures or video clips. But, my journey is my earnest attempt to capture something that could be lost from memory if it is not written. It is the story of my journey into the world of dance, and  later tai chi chuan and yoga. I don't pretend when I write this that I am any great cultural hero - for most certainly there are more talented people than I who probably deserve a biography more than me. Apart from writing so that I don't forget my memories, I write because I have an interesting story to tell - one that I enjoy sharing - and one I hope you will enjoy reading. As I motivate myself to pursue my dreams, let me motivate you the gentle reader with the knowledge that in your life it is just fine to reshape your dreams as your circumstances change in your journey through life.

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